The staff of the locally owned and operated I Heart Corp's first community website, iHeartOswego.com, boasts more than a century of combined experience in web design, marketing, editing and writing and photography. Drawing from this experience, you can be assured when I Heart Corp creates a community website, it will be unique, professional and motivated to promote a synergistic philosophy and a positive perspective to whatever community it serves.

Promotion of Locally-Owned and Operated Small Business
iHeartOswego.com is uniquely designed to let the small businesses of a community shine. The website provides a platform for every small business to publicize their accomplishments, news and information along with business features written by iHeartOswego.com staff. Affordable advertising is provided only to the community's small businesses, saving them from competing with larger business and corporations for prime advertising space.

Unique Stories and Features
I Heart Corp community websites have unique content that can be found in no other media outlet in the target area. Local professionals, experts and writers are encouraged to submit columns, tips and stories along with the website staff.

FULL Community Events Calendar
The community events calendar features everything from plays and movie listings, to sports and school events, to yard sales and chicken barbecues and benefits. Community residents can provide the information to go into the calendar to the website staff or they can add the calendar event themselves from their home or office computer.

FREE Business Directory
Every locally owned and operated small business located within the community website's coverage receives a free listing in its comprehensive business directory.

Social Media Interaction
Every community website is supported by social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to drive readership back to the site and to encourage reader interaction with the main purpose of growing a loyal following of the community site.